Hello world.
This is my blog. This is my blog called The Henbit Diaries. Yes. Henbit is a word. It is a weed. It is actually called Henbit Dead-nettle. Or, it’s genus and species is Lamium amplexicaule.
This is my very favorite flower on the face of this entire grand earth.
When I told Evert this, I thought he was gonna laugh. He, instead, responded kindly with words of advice from one of his old friends. “There is no such thing as a weed. Each one is simply a flower grown in the wrong place.”
There is some strange connection I have always had with this flower since I was a toddler.
I felt displaced.
My beauty, although noticed by more than everyone in town and in school, felt- insufficient.
I felt like I was thriving in the barren fields, fallen cracks, and vast wastelands of this life.
I grew among the strain of earth where other flowers could not.
I stood tall against the early spring rains and survived the late frosts, while other flowers did not.
My flowering beauty and sweetness provided life to those early spring bees who went on to pollinate other flowers.
I am this flower.
These are my Henbit Diaries.

~Louise A. Grady