Walls Could Speak

I tell a story. For all my years and throughout the many layers among my walls, I have a purpose. See. I have provided a peaceful and comforting dwelling. Look. At my trappings of tapestry long covered of old. Listen. I have roots dug down deep into the earth which withstand cold long winters, harsh storms, and parched painful summers.

The bonds I make are firm and trustworthy. My beams are stalwart and fused upon solidified rock.

I am a shelter to all those who abide in me. I am a habitation filled with fullness and peaceful living.

To the eyes searching for wisdom I wait with much to tell you. Come. See what you can find among the history of my noble dwelling. Welcome all who seek truth. For the listening ear and willing eye can be trained to see the goodness which has been experienced here. Here. Within my loving boundaries.


And so, spoke The Brattleboro House.


~Louise A. Grady

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